A month of single parenting… day 9

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My days are starting to blur together. The kids have been home and I’ve had no escape for only 4 days, it’s really not that bad, it’s been kind of cool, and they’ve been playing in the mud. It’s the lack of sleep that’s getting to me. It always does.

Revision and rewrites have stalled. I’m just kind of burnt out on them so I’ve started a new project. A smaller, more easily manageable one. I’m writing a short erotic story. Set in the same world as the books, with different characters, in a different location. (I really like the world I’ve built, but I needed a break from the project I’ve been concentrating on for almost 9 months straight.)

Three days into the project I’m 45% of the way to my goal. Once it’s finished, I plan on submitting it to publishers… And hopefully I’ll be able to get back to (and finish) the book so it can be submitted as well.

On a side note, Laurell K  Hamilton released her new Anita Blake book  Hit List today. Yes, I’ve already read it. I enjoyed it but with a few caveats

  • it was too short. They are all too short for me, but at only 330 pages, it was short for an Anita book and I missed it.
  • I missed interaction (at all) with some of the major characters from the series, most were at least named, but no call, no interaction with them at all. There were a couple not even named. BOOO
  • The ending felt off. Yes, I am one of those freaks who ‘feels’ their way through a book. It seemed rushed and awkward. And there was on particular tidbit that was thrown out there and then the book ended and your like WHAT!??!

Will I read the next one? of course, Will I eagerly await it? of course.

I still want my own spine sheath and badge. I’m still an Anita diehard, despite the disappointment.

“Who made you judge jury and…executioner?

“The state and federal government. Now get out of my way and let me do my job.”


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One of my favorite authors recently released a teaser chapter for the latest book in a series, due out in early June. I hate when they do this. Why? Because I have a hard enough time waiting for the new book as it is. Then they release the teaser chapter, which is always just enough to really suck you in, then it is over and you end up having to wait MONTHS until the release and you can read the rest of the tale.

This time it is Laurell Hamilton, and the latest Anita Blake book, Skin Trade. I am resisting the draw of the teaser chapter. But I know, sometime before the book comes out, I will cave. I just have that little will power where Anita is concerned. *sigh*

Any suggestions that might keep me distracted until June 2nd?

what is happening around here…

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um… not lots… lol

The girls are in school, have been for like 3 weeks now (no, I am not counting, to lazy) so during the day I just have hubby and a 2 year old boy… some days this is like having 5 2 year old girls!

Hubby has gone back to work (did you hear me celebrating? it got a little wild for a bit there!) so now he leaves the house at about 1pm and I get all of 2 hours to myself, that is IF my 2 year old naps that day, and that 2 hrs is usually spent cleaning up what ever mess that hubby and the 2 yr old have made.

Also with Hubby back to work, and the girls in school we are working out an exercise program, I desperately need to lose some weight, and hubby is a sadist, so we walk 2-3 miles minimum a day… in 90-100 degree heat, with 50% humidity ( yes, I am whining, live with it.) until when we get home and I collapse into a chair the muscles in my legs are still twitching, and this is after they spent the last half of the walk cramping.  I will admit, at least the sadist is pushing the stroller and not making me.

Then, when school lets out, unless there is some appointment we have to get to, I walk the half mile to the school and get the girls (again, pushing the slug monkey in the stroller) by then, it is usually pushing 110, and back again… do all the snack time and homework trauma. Then on to dinner, baths and bed.

When I do get time to myself to sit and do what I want I work on what ever project I am knitting on (recently my pi shawl

This is an early picture, when it was still pretty small, not that it is anywhere near done yet… but it is progressing. And the picture does show off the colors very well.. and being the Green Fiend that I am, I totally love the way it is knitting up.

I also read when I can, I am currently working my way through Laurell Hamilton’s Anita Blake series again. I love this series and anytime I want a simple, quick read I don’t have to concentrate on, I go back to these. Plus, some fictional charicter lust doesn’t hurt does it?

Gotta love a challenge.

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I just finished the tenth book in one of my favorite series, Anita Blake, by Laurell Hamilton. Book Fifteen is released one week from tomorrow. So, basically, this means I have 7 days to read the next 4 books in the series, to be ready for the new one. Think I can manage? I gotta love a challenge! I am pretty sure I can do it.

Don’t tell hubby…

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but I bought 9 (yes, nine!) balls of dishcloth cotton yarn today… 8 from Jo-anns, 3oz balls in 4 color ways. and one 2oz ball from wal-mart, all peaches / sugar and cream. I can justify it by saying I plan on making dishcloths for Christmas. Really, I can.. lol

Actually, I am turning dishcloths out at a strangely fast rate. I am half way through my 13th one now. I am also planning a dishcloth swap with one of the groups I am in on Ravelry. That will require a few too.

ah, well… back to reading and knitting. (working on the Anita Blake series, by Laurell Hamilton… are you aware the newest book comes out in only 11 days?)