Is my life not insane enough?


Let’s add the goal of writing 50k words in 30 days…

Oh… and I submitted an application to become the Municipal Liaison for my area too…

Have I mentioned that I’ve volunteered to become our FRP’s Secretary as well?

Now I have no idea yet if I’ll end up being the ML for my area for NaNoWriMo, the deadline for applications was today, and they’re supposed to get back to us after that. It’s something I look forward to, I think it will be fun.

I may not end up being the FRP’s Secretary either, it’s a Statutory position, meaning that you represent the unit commander, and as such he approves and appoints all statutory position holders. The unit commander wants to talk to all volunteers and make his decision, and I’m just waiting for him to call me.

Either way, whether I get one position, both or neither, I will be doing NaNoWriMo again this year. It will be my third year and yes, I’ve managed to ‘win’ for the last two years. I’m excited, I think I know what I will be working on, but that could change in the month between now and the start of the event.

In the mean time, I need to get my house livable, and try not to lose my mind with all the sports practice and games, the running hither and yon, day in and day out. I suspect my sanity will be hanging on by a thread if it survives the next two months.

3 days left…

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and if I never hear another word about sports or olympics or ‘amazing atheletes’ again I may die happy… it is driving me out of my skull to listen to ALL  the televised olympics and half of the stuff online too… plus the endless hours of telling me about it… cause I must be educated on the issue, whether I care or not, and whether I am ready to spork out my eyes and eardrums or not. ARGH….. Sunday… I only have to live until sunday….

One major advantage to having TiVo….

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hubby can record all the olympics… and then he skips thorugh it to watch what he is really interested in… so I don’t have to listen to it ALL FREAKING DAY LONG just for a few hours…

oh my… it has begun…

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the olympics… which means I am faced with an eon.. (well, it feels like it!) of my husband rambling and raving about sports and getting all emotional about it… I just can’t bring myself to understand the emotion that is involved… I am not a spectator sports person anyway, and all sports all the time is just irritating. Guess I will get lots of reading and knitting done…

We have succumbed


to the Wii craze. It is so hot here I can’t bear to drag myself out in this killer heat. So I sit here at home, dealing with kids, reading, and just not getting much exercise. I have been looking at Wii Fit for several weeks thinking it might help, and would be good exercise, but could I really justify that kind of money just for me???  Well, Hubby came home last night, he had been talking to a co-worker, and a superior at work, and talking about the different games, and how many people are ending up in dr’s offices with sore muscles from this game system, simply because they are not used to using those muscles.

So we discussed it, did a little shopping around online… and I went out this morning, hunting… Best Buy, Target, Toys R Us didn’t have them in stock, Target has no clue when they will get more, couldn’t find anyone at TRU to ask, and Best Buy will get more in on Sunday. So I hit Wal-mart. Wal-mart has 3 in stock, but no Fit. They do however have Wii Play, which has several games, and an extra controller. So I called and talked to Hubby. I could get the Wii there, and go back across town to the Target, that had the Fit in stock, or I can just wait on the Fit for a while and play what games we will have with the system (sports) and the Play. So I got the system and the Play, and decided to wait a bit for the Fit.

I got it home, and took about 20 mins to get it all set up, between wressling with kids and moving things to reach the back of my TV. and We started. I sucked royal ass at the tennis, but then.. I suck royal ass at tennis anyway, I tend to hit it too hard and drive the ball through the fence… it comes from playing baseball too long. Then we switched to the baseball… THAT was fun. I had a blast at that.  I have since played most of the games on both disks, loved the boxing, normally I am not much into boxing but it gave both arms a good workout… and I KO’d my opponent in the second round!

Now I can work with it a little each day, and hopefully lose some of this weight I have been fighting.