what is happening around here…

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um… not lots… lol

The girls are in school, have been for like 3 weeks now (no, I am not counting, to lazy) so during the day I just have hubby and a 2 year old boy… some days this is like having 5 2 year old girls!

Hubby has gone back to work (did you hear me celebrating? it got a little wild for a bit there!) so now he leaves the house at about 1pm and I get all of 2 hours to myself, that is IF my 2 year old naps that day, and that 2 hrs is usually spent cleaning up what ever mess that hubby and the 2 yr old have made.

Also with Hubby back to work, and the girls in school we are working out an exercise program, I desperately need to lose some weight, and hubby is a sadist, so we walk 2-3 miles minimum a day… in 90-100 degree heat, with 50% humidity ( yes, I am whining, live with it.) until when we get home and I collapse into a chair the muscles in my legs are still twitching, and this is after they spent the last half of the walk cramping.  I will admit, at least the sadist is pushing the stroller and not making me.

Then, when school lets out, unless there is some appointment we have to get to, I walk the half mile to the school and get the girls (again, pushing the slug monkey in the stroller) by then, it is usually pushing 110, and back again… do all the snack time and homework trauma. Then on to dinner, baths and bed.

When I do get time to myself to sit and do what I want I work on what ever project I am knitting on (recently my pi shawl

This is an early picture, when it was still pretty small, not that it is anywhere near done yet… but it is progressing. And the picture does show off the colors very well.. and being the Green Fiend that I am, I totally love the way it is knitting up.

I also read when I can, I am currently working my way through Laurell Hamilton’s Anita Blake series again. I love this series and anytime I want a simple, quick read I don’t have to concentrate on, I go back to these. Plus, some fictional charicter lust doesn’t hurt does it?

I got it, I got it.


Blood Noir that is, the lastest book by Laurell K. Hamilton. I started reading it last night, and I finished this afternoon. I really enjoyed it, we got a totally different, and far more in-depth look at Jason and the relationship between Jason, Anita and Nathanial. Not nearly enough Nathanial in the book to suit me, but I always lust after him. I have just been totally engrossed in this book, I really enjoyed it.

I also worked on a couple more dishcloths while I read. And ran errands for hubby to get ready for his Annual training. And got kids ready to go to school and out for the day there.

I am hot and tired. i think I will just dig up a movie and sit in front of the tv and knit on my shawl.

Today just seemed

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to slide by. I did get several things done, but nothing huge, and nothing that took a really long time.

I got my oldest off to school, and played with the baby some as he was being weird this morning. And I started my middle child in getting ready for school, when hubby decided he wanted me to go to the store and get him some things for his lunch. I figured I might as well do my shopping while I was there, so I got the groceries and stuff I had been needing. The major items that I got were two cantaloupes and a watermelon. I cut them all up and put them in (separate) containers in the fridge. If it is all cut, and in the fridge, my kids will eat TONS of fruit, plus, with the heat we will be getting soon, the cool fruit for lunch and dinners works really well. Plus, it keeps me from having to heat up the house with cooking. I will continue to keep fruit cut and in the fridge. I think it will end up cutting my grocery bill too.

I realized I am missing a book this afternoon, my Paperbackswap acct says that I received it on May 2nd, and I vaguely remember getting it, and thinking that i was not quite ready to read it just yet and that i needed to put it away, but I have no clue what I did with it. Not that I am ready to read it just yet, but it is bothering me to have it missing. I have checked every where I can think of off hand, including that black hole behind my desk, to no avail. Hopefully soon it will occur to me where I put it.

Because of the great book hunt, and other small chores, I didn’t get much knitting done… only about half of a dishcloth. *sigh* and my order from knitpicks still isn’t here… I think the mail man is holding it hostage. Maybe a nice glass of iced tea would be ransom enough in this heat?

Today is the day. *sob* Blood Noir by Laurell K. Hamilton, was released today, as was Blue Smoke and Murder by Elizabeth Lowell, and I didn’t manage to acquire either (ok, I admit it, I was too cheap to pay hard cover prices for either of them.) I have them both on my wish list on Paperbackswap, and it is only a matter of time, but *sob* I want them NOW!! ok… I will quit pouting now.

*insert evil laugh here*

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I did it . I finished the series (what has been published) before the new one is released. The new book Blood Noir, won’t be released for another two days. I am ok with that, I can get some things done around the house. Work on reading some of the stack of books I have sitting here, so that I can get them back on the Paperbackswap list. I also have to do really  mundane things.. like make a grocery list and go shopping and um… life… man.. I hate when life gets in the way of reading and knitting.

On another note. I have finished 35 dish cloths in the last few days.. ok, more like couple weeks. Hubby is asking me if I am planning on selling them. Hadn’t occurred to me, but since I pretty much came up with my own pattern, I can sell them of I want to. Which reminds me, I need to get pictures up and a post about my stitch markers.

Gotta love a challenge.

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I just finished the tenth book in one of my favorite series, Anita Blake, by Laurell Hamilton. Book Fifteen is released one week from tomorrow. So, basically, this means I have 7 days to read the next 4 books in the series, to be ready for the new one. Think I can manage? I gotta love a challenge! I am pretty sure I can do it.

Don’t tell hubby…

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but I bought 9 (yes, nine!) balls of dishcloth cotton yarn today… 8 from Jo-anns, 3oz balls in 4 color ways. and one 2oz ball from wal-mart, all peaches / sugar and cream. I can justify it by saying I plan on making dishcloths for Christmas. Really, I can.. lol

Actually, I am turning dishcloths out at a strangely fast rate. I am half way through my 13th one now. I am also planning a dishcloth swap with one of the groups I am in on Ravelry. That will require a few too.

ah, well… back to reading and knitting. (working on the Anita Blake series, by Laurell Hamilton… are you aware the newest book comes out in only 11 days?)