just go to bed already

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I have not had a great day, being woke several times last night. Baby waking early, falling out of the truck (duh) then, brilliant soul that I am, I walked into the fricking door. Why did I walk in to the door? Cause I was being a good mommy and turning out the light as I left a room… the door wasn’t open as far as I thought it was, and WHAM!!! walked into the narrow end of the door trying to leave the room. Now I have a headache to match the twisted ankle. I just need to go to bed and try again tomorrow. Lets hope for no more injuries!

Apparently, I am not meant


to walk a straight line. I was cleaning out the back of my Yukon, flipping up the seats in the back, so that my husband can load his gear for drill this weekend, and I start to climb out… and the next thing I know I am laying on the ground.

Klutz of the Week award to me!

In climbing out of the truck I managed to twist my ankle, and I went all the way to the ground. Now it hurts like hell, and I still have to walk to the school and pick up my daughters… that is half a mile each way.

Why oh, why does all this shit happen to me?


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who thinks he needs to practice amateur psychology at 1 am!!! And wake me from a sound sleep to do so!

My husband found a picture that one of my daughters drew last night, not sure when they drew it, prolly several days ago. wasn’t actually a picture just words and faces. it had a smiley face above mom and a frown above dad  then oldest daughter’s name and a frown, then second daughter’s name then son’s name, then another smiley. He decided this was uber important and he had to know what it meant NOW. Well, I was sleeping, how the hell was I to know? I was able to tell him that it wasn’t oldest daughter’s work, it was the other one. He refused to believe me, saying he would ask in the morning (yeah right, oldest daughter leaves for school before he gets his lazy ass up.)

So this morning,  I asked oldest daughter if she did it… she says no… so when my other daughter got up, I took her, and the picture in, and woke my  husband up. I told him it was important enough to wake me at 1 am, he can wake his happy ass up for it. So the explination? both frowning faces are for daddy, (the one next to oldest daughter is under dad) cause he is mean, why is he mean, cause he spanks harder than mommy.. end of story.

SO not worth waking me up at 1 am cause we just HAVE to know what this means NOW. UGH.

Holy Growth Batman!

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my board is growing way faster than we ever anticipated. Over the last month we have averaged 3 new members a day, which, in the grand scheme of  things, and large commercial message boards is not much. But when you consider that we are not a large commercial board, and we started out to just be a small friendly board, it is huge. I am shocked at how fast we are growing. I am in awe at how many people seem to want to be a part of our group.

Scammers, trolls and thieves

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*ducks* yeah, I m proving how much of a dork I am here, I have that stuck in my head… to the tune of Cher’s Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves. Yeah, I know, megadork.

We have had *another* invasion of trolls and scammers recently, I just don’t get it..

And while we are on the subject. Why do  people post on a message board about taking your 15 month old child with you when you go meet these really nice people from the net, the ones you plan on swinging with. Now, personally, I have nothing against swinging, if that is what floats your boat, fine. But leave the kid some where safe. oh. and who takes their kid to meet some stranger off the net?

Then we have the idiot who asks how we think weed will effect the baby she is breastfeeding. Um… Weed is illegal, and you are posting about this publicly? on a mom’s board? Please share your address with me so I can turn you in…

Do something worthy and here’s your sign… “You’re an Asshat!”

In a mood…

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all I want to do right now is read and knit. I really don’t want to knit anything very complicated, cause I want to be able to read.  I really wouldn’t mind if I weren’t knitting, but if I just read, I start twitching. I finished a sweater for myself (short sleeved) in less than a week, and I am seriously considering starting another. I have a few variations I want to make to this one.

As for reading, right now I have decided to read Anne McCaffrey’s Talent series, from the very beginning, with the Pegasus books, all the way through The Rowan, and then on through to Tower and Hive.  Right now I am working on the 3rd of the 8 books.

After a short break

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from lace, while I made myself a raglan style t-shirt, I am back to working on my shawl. It was well needed, and has seriously helped. Before my break I was having to fight for EVERY row I advanced. and since I got back to it, they just seem to breeze by. Granted, these are not small rows (over 600 stitches each, and every other row increases 8 stitches.)

I have only 42 rows left in my shawl. and it has started moving along again, so hopefully it won’t take me too long to do.

School Reunions…

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I come from a very small town. The school in the town does not do class reunions, instead they do school reunions. Every 5 years they hold an All School reunion, and everyone who has ever attended the schools is welcome (and more, if you want to come, you are welcome to come!) it is a big town event.

The time has come for another reunion, it is going to be this August, and I am planning on going. I can’t wait to see a lot of people I haven’t seen in ages. Those I have lost touch with and those I just watched from afar. One of my favorite things to do at such events is to see how everyone who is my age has dealt with the passage of time. A few years ago I ran into a guy I used to have a huge crush on. Time has not been kind to him. I am pushing 30… at the time I was about 26-27… he looked at least 40. All I could think when I saw him was… Do I look as old as he does?

The time has come.

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to turn over a new leaf. I informed my husband this morning that from now on, I would be waking him up as soon as I get home from taking our oldest daughter to school, from now on. When he asked why, I told him so he can keep an eye on the youngest Wild American House Apes in the family… I am going to start sneaking out to the garage every morning and spending some quality time with my elliptical machine. This also means I need to charge and update my Zen play list.

Mostly I listen to country music, but I also enjoy good rock. So I am in search of some good music to work out to…  Any Suggestions?

Well, she called

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my sister. Didn’t say she was sorry for the way she treated me, but I never expected that, because I knew it would never happen. She started out with “I know we aren’t speaking.. But.. I have some great gossip I just have to share….” which really made me wonder how she has survived the last 3 weeks with no one to gossip with about our extended family. We ended up going off that topic and even on to the one that caused the problem to start with, my daughter’s school, and when she is actually paying attention to what I am saying, she was as appalled by what is happening here. I will be satisfied if she just remembers that she does not get to treat me like mud.

Nothing much going on around here, I am knitting, and reading, and trying to survive a 4 day weekend from school, and so glad that school starts back up tomorrow!

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