if I am asked one more time (at least 5 already) if we string popcorn for the tree, I may scream  (do you see it on there? I think not!!) and I am not sure how many times I can here…  ” Excuse me, I just farted!” just move on with life unless it is noticable!

I want to watch my shows on TV with out having to explain them or have you talk over them about some stupid thing. If you say you are going to bed, go. I waited till you were going to bed to start my shows, so I could watch them in peace, not listen to you more.

And I may shoot my husband, he has been sulky and distant, not just to me, but to everyone, if you don’t want to deal with your mother, fine, don’t invite her, but don’t bring her down here and make me deal with her, while you climb inside your stupid computer game and ignore us.